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and other topics of interest

As you can see we have opened a new departure called Federley News. On these pages we intend to tell interesting news, show pictures and so on. You are also welcome to give feedback, hints and propositions.

The Federley site is now updated. The Families as well as the Generations pages have grown remarkably and the Family Tree is now ten meters in height consisting of more than 1800 names.


Thank you for the party
Anton has got a daughter
The Family Tree now consists of 1832 persons
The Federley Families are now 1238
The Federley Generations have grown by one hundred
Interresting persons
Article in Hufvudstadsbladet
Federley graves at Hietaniemi cemetery in Helsinki
Search for relatives by using Internetin
New Family Trees available

Hello All Relatives,

November 30. 2000.


The party is over. Thank you for the fantastic feedback. It gives me strength to continue my research work..



Figures in brackets refer to the person's number in the Federley Book.

A daughter born to Anton Federley (Nr. 1) has been found, Maria Federley, who on 21 April 1756 in Hämeenlinna got married to the master mason Johan Lundberg. They had 9 children, all born in Hämeenlinna, the place of our family reunion.

  • Anna Helena (1756-1757)

  • Ericus Johannes (1758-1758)

  • Johannes Gustavus (1760-?)

  • Margaretha Elisabeth (1762-1763)

  • Catharina Margaretha (1764-?)

  • Nicolaus (1767-?)

  • Niclas (1768-1769)

  • Eva Stina (1770-1776)

  • Märtha Greta (1774-1790)


Anton Federley's son Erik Federley (Nr. 4) and his wife Regina Winqvist had a daughter Brita Helena Federley, born 6 May 1759 in Hämeenlinna.

Anton Federley's first son Kristoffer Federley (Nr. 2) had a son Johan Kristoffer, born 16 December 1754 in Pertteli, Romsila village.

Anton Kristoffer's (Nr. 10) son Viktor (1804-1877) is totally missing from the family tree because of a mistake I made. Viktor's daughter Ida Josefina is shown in the family tree but solely as the wife of Viktor Napoleon Federley (Nr. 83). They were second cousins and Ida Josefina's family was mistakenly left out of the family tree. The error has now been corrected.

Ida Josefina was buried in the same grave as her father Viktor, whereas Ida's husband Viktor Napoleon is buried in the same grave as Emilia Sofia Federley, the unmarried sister of his wife Ida. If somebody can give an explanation for this, please let me know.

Viktor Napoleon's (Nr. 83) sister Viktor Napoleon Federley (Nr. 81) was on 2 June 1862 married to Johan Stolpe in Tampere. They had a son who on 12 January 1974 in Tampere was christened to Thorfinn.


Kristoffer Federley's (Nr. 2) daughter Viktor Napoleon Federley (Nr. 15) and Thomas Sandbäck got a daughter, Amalia Sandbäck, born 14 March 1796 in Tyrvää.

Catharina Eleonora Federley (Nr. 8) and Karl Grönlund, engineer and land-surveyor, had four children. The first three were born in Pertteli and the last one, Simon, in Suomusjärvi.


  • Karl Kristoffer (1784-1847)

  • Johan Gustaf (1785 - ?)

  • Anton (1787 - ?)

  • Simon (1788 - 1862)


Besides Grönlund, descendants of Simon Grönlund bear the names Ehrström, Enckell, Forsberg, Gråå, Laurén, Wasz, Westermarck and Wickström.

Kristoffer Federley's (Nr. 2) grand-children the cousins Johanna Karolina Federley (Nr. 35) and Karl Kristoffer Grönlund married.

The first names Anton and Kristoffer, which both appear five times after Anton, are worth noting. There is a high probability that these names have come with Anton from Germany and it is thus fairly certain that the name of Anton's (Nr. 1) father and grand-father was either Kristoffer or Anton. These first names were in no way common in Finland at that time. I am therefore looking for a suitable father for Anton Federley (Nr. 1) in Germany bearing the name Kristoffer (Christof, Christoph) Federle, Federli, Federlin.


I have found the above new descendants of Anton Federley on Internet.

Leena Heikelä from Turku has helped helped me by searching the history books of Tyrväntö and of communities near Salo. Leena's family, Tokensuu, comes from Tyrväntö.



Those of you who have Internet at their disposal may any time start helping me by looking for Anton's descendants.

Open www.genealogia.fi and seclect history books. The page has alter- natively Swedish, Finnish and English text so you just choose the languague you want.

The following are of interest:


  • all with the name of Federley

  • descendants of Brita Helena Federley born 6.5.1759 in Hämeenlinna.

  • descendants of Johan Kristoffer Federley (1st son of Nr. 2) born 16.12.1754 in Pertteli Wihmalo

  • descendants of Johan Gustaf Grönlund (2nd son of Nr. 8) born 17.4.1785 in Pertteli Wihmalo

  • descendants of Anton Grönlund (3rd son of Nr. 8) born 18.4.1787 in Pertteli Romsila

  • descendants of Simon Grönlund (4th son of Nr. 8) born 17.12.1788 in Suomusjärvi Kitula Paavola

  • descendants of Charlotta Ulrica Federley's (Nr. 15) and Thomas Sandbäck's 9 children, all born in Tyrvää

  • descendants of Maria Federley's (daughter of 1) and Johan Lundberg's 4 children all born in Hämeenlinna

  • descendants of Edla Augusta Federley (Nr. 81) and Johan Stolpe. Tampere?

  • descendants and wife of Thorfinn Stolpe born 12 January 1864 inTampere

  • descendants of Johanna Karolina Federley (Nr. 35) and Karl Kristoffer Grönlund

  • descendants of Anna Bina Federley (33) and Karl Magnus Lagerstedt

  • descendants of 7 of the 10 children of Josepha Gustava Federley (Nr. 42) and customs superintendent Olof Henrik Holmberg,. One of the children is (Gustaf) Werner Holmberg (Nr. 90), the famous painter. You can have a look at his paintings at www.fng.fi/fng/html4/fi/art/collecti/people/w1/wholmberg/


When looking for Federley, write Feder (Fäder.. also exists)

When looking for Sandbäck, write Sand (Tyrvää)

When looking for Lundberg, write Lun (Hämeenlinna)

When looking for Lagerstedt, write Lag (Turku)

When looking for Stolpe, write Stolp (Tampere, Ruovesi, Parainen)

When looking for Grönlund, write Grö (Uskela, Marttila, Pertteli)


A shortened form of the surname is to be used for input of search data because surnames often are not correctly spelled on the Internet pages or in the church records. Federbij is one variant of our fine family name but there certainly are many more.

When making a search, always write surname only, never first name. First names will just hamper the search. We are lucky to have a surname from the start. This was not common at that time.

General searches do not work very well. You had better select just a parish and then for instance the book of christenings and continue there. Then the book of marriages and then list of burials.

When choosing a parish you could start with the places where the parents were born and where they died. When you have seclected a place/parish and opened the page, you will also see a list of nearby parishes. You may then also include one or all of these.

Generally interesting parishes for Federleys and descendants are:

  • Hämeenlinna

  • S:t Marie (Not yet included in the Internet files)

  • Marttila

  • Pertteli

  • Suomusjärvi

  • Tyrväntö

  • Tyrvis

  • Tampere

  • Uskela

  • Turku


But this does not exclude other parishes. I have even in Tornio in northern Finland found something.

On the first page you will also see how far entering of data from the church books have proceeded. It also shows latest additions and when they have been made. A total of 4.5 million persons are now listed here on Internet. Without knowing exactly I suppose this might be 1/3 or more of all people born in Finland during the last 300 years, but places like Turku and Tampere are still missing, as are many others.

Anyway, a great work is being done by volunteers who are compiling the database.

Pertteli, for instance, was added on 10 September this year and that is where I found Maria Antoniidotter Federley and her family.

It is exciting to search in the registers and to see if you find anything new.

When you find something that is not yet shown on www.federley.com, please mail the data to me. We will then all be able to share the information. It may be a date, a place or a new person altoghether.

Try it! If you need any further guidance, you may contact the 'help desk', that is me. I shall be pleased to help.

I have also looked up Federley graves in the old cemetery in Helsinki. At the main entrance in the Mechelininkatu there is a map which will enable you to locate the graves on the basis of the information I have included in the list you will get together with this letter. If you arrive by car you can drive through the gate and park the car inside.

Many of the graves are very old and really beautiful.


Next time you get a letter from me I will ask for information about education, profession and other interesting things. We will then get to know more about our relatives.


Have a good time!

My best regards to all of you




FAMILY TREES were 'out of stock' for a time but they are now available again. Please let me know if you want more family trees. (The easiest way to do this is to send an e-mail)